
It has been a couple of years now that I have been in this place and I can now quite confidently say that I know it well. I know it it just as well as the place I spent my infant years. I know it well because I have been coming here at the hatching of every dawn ever since I heard of it those many years back. It has been five years now but nothing has changed. Apart from the extra layers of dust on the floor and the now more intricate cobweb on the cracking walls, everything seems to have kept its place just like it was those many years ago. It is a lot more silent now though especially with the parting of its inhabitants who seemed to have got wary of the unbearable heat that that defines this place. So am left here alone, alone with the cracks on the walls, alone with the silence, alone with the heat. and even with the solitude that seems to be etching closer and closer to a life of its own, I still return here each and every day. I come back hoping, that it has chan...