hoplesssly in love and why youre just about to break up!

an old friend friend of mine came to me the other day with a couple of stats after his
most recent research. apparently he had broken the reason why 8/10, campus relationships cme to a start and end within the holidays.
well here is what the lad says: first the holidays for many of you can be very long and given that you hardly have a thing to do, the mind struggles to be creative, so when this being is constantly coming up with very interesting ideas with all the ways we have communicate these days, a sort of chemistry builds up because you bot need it and before you know it, you're feeding this unexpected
yet completely captivating romance over the airwaves and suddenly life is everything you would want it to be after all right?

well then the sun rises and its back to the real struggle of achieving a bit in life, and with the demanding schedule, little johnny cannot be you're in shinny arm our, your breath and all the bluff he told you he was blah blah blah. so he tells you it's the work, that in a couple of months it will all be fine, that he will be there for you and you buy it, you swallow the blue pill!

a few months the road, ure just into the holidays fresh with new zeal and energy of how ure finally going to salvage this thing you have got gong on!
well it doe not turn out that way as many of you will confirm, the dreams are dashed, the cock will crow and the sun rises as you contemlate these words: "we need a break dear, its just not working"


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