Profiling Big Brother Africa 'stars'

Hannington: He is by all means the most intellectually inept of the lot, he hardly is able to contribute to any well structured convesation.
the best he can manage are the bits that concern women ( asubject he knows very little about) and maybe booze! No wonnder he has been kept at arms length by most of his buddies! Sadly though, he represents a huge percentag of the current crop of Ugandans, to be more specific, what you should hate about a Uganda. It is with great indignity that I call him my country man.

Flirty Tatiana: this little angolan damsel, has got her hands over alsmost every male in the house, it goes along way in explaining why after so many years she is yet to settle, I mean really settle!

The smoking pipe, Shila: if this babe is not sleeping, then she is smoking, if she is not smoking well she is cursing ****** and thats just about it for this Kenyan 'star'.

Mzeee Sammi: I love your music Sam , I think you have got real talent. Aside from that though, the star that Biggie was so foward looking foward to has faded already. The little Sam brings that is of any youth is cursing every other time he is in a conversation!

Paloma Paloma! well if I were in the house, she would be the one I 'd be spending most my time with, I think SHe is quite an inteligent woman with loads of humour!

Munya: A rather intresting character, he has not done given away alot, though food or rather the lack of it seems to bring out the best in him!

Lerato? I think Lerato is one huge snob, who apparently thinks she has got everything, the question is what? Such a diva, don't like her!

I wil be back with the rest of the sods later!


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