
Showing posts from August, 2010

About Religious fundamentalism!

Wikipedia refers to fundamentalism as a belief in a strict adherence to an established set of basic principles (often religious in nature), sometimes as a reaction to perceived doctrinal compromises with modern social and political life. I on the other hand perceive it as a reluctance or better still the complete refusal to engage or in a mind set that is contradictory to your own. It is the extreme form of radicalism to me! Now in the last couple of days, President Barrack Hussein Obama ( as his tormentors so affectionately like to refer to him) has got the hard end of christian fundamentalists all over the world (but more so in the U.S) for his purported indifference at the proposed construction of a mosque right next to the site of the fateful September the 11th bombings in New york city. Because of that, a recent survey shows that 18% of Americans surveyed think President Obama is a Muslim, many argue that he is not in that case worthy to hold office simply because they believe to ...

A little empathy for the somalis, I mean the real wanainchi!

If you look at images of just about any inch of their land right this moment or read even just the headlines coming out of their country you would struggle to find any cause to feel sorry for them especially after the evil act committed in their cause right here on the motherland that fateful July the 11th. However not so long ago I decided there is just cause to know these guys, if anything to see what they are really made of aye! So I discovered these guys have been suffering for a very long time and it is not entirely their fault! First it was the Portuguese trying to secure a strategic ground in the trade route, and later on Mussolini and the Italians tried to take the place in the 1940's before fleeing right at start of the second world war! The British then had their go and almost succeeded at calming things down. They however got tired of the place and made a great mistake giving the Ogaden to the Ethiopians and handing the mentoring role back to the Italians who had done so...

The damn kids are back!

They are everywhwere these little humans, look at that one next to you! Jesus christ! What are we going to do? Sure kids are warm, nice, amazing and all of that sunny stuff but that is when they are an aspect of thought, or atmost when they are just born, the little months before they can open their mouths to speak! (or cry for that matter) These kids ( these days) scream at you, shout at you, hurl insults( God knows who taught them!)curse, get pregnant every once in a while! (then abort ofcorse), occasionally die on drugs! ( gasps). Oh bly me what has gotten into these children of our time? what are they smoking? Oba it is climate change? Is it the tv? the internet? the schools? the parents? who is responsible? I tell you if you decided to go and blow some bit of stress at your favouraite pub tonight, you wil find that shaven head (copyrighted "in school" symbol ). God forbid some of them even plait their hair these days! Now even the pedofile has another reason to claim ign...

We are not friends!

Listen I say this without the hardest of feelings, as a matter of fact you should be lauding me with praises for having the gift of honesty, a thing that is so rare in our time! I am talking about the 'friends' on facebook yes you! To tell you the truth, I do not even know half of the people on my list, and some of you, I WILL GRACIOUSLY BEG THE FLOOR OF THE EARTH TO PART, so I am swallwed for the briefest of moments while you pass me by! We do not talk, we have nothing in common, hell I think we should sue facebook for plageriim or sth, maybe, false pretence, I don't know the exact legal term,( I am a scintist for christ's sake) but just because you saw me in the school you went to, or because I have very nice conversations with a friend we share, you think we are in every right to be called such? Jesus Christ what has gotten into us? Yes the world is round and all that blah blah blah.... Here is my advice, you either suit up and play the part or quietly take a walk, n...