About Religious fundamentalism!
Wikipedia refers to fundamentalism as a belief in a strict adherence to an established set of basic principles (often religious in nature), sometimes as a reaction to perceived doctrinal compromises with modern social and political life. I on the other hand perceive it as a reluctance or better still the complete refusal to engage or in a mind set that is contradictory to your own. It is the extreme form of radicalism to me! Now in the last couple of days, President Barrack Hussein Obama ( as his tormentors so affectionately like to refer to him) has got the hard end of christian fundamentalists all over the world (but more so in the U.S) for his purported indifference at the proposed construction of a mosque right next to the site of the fateful September the 11th bombings in New york city. Because of that, a recent survey shows that 18% of Americans surveyed think President Obama is a Muslim, many argue that he is not in that case worthy to hold office simply because they believe to ...