God I hate snobs!

Lets make that detest, No wait loathe feels better, I find them repugnant! Arrrgh!!! I almost puke at the thought of them! Now am sure there are multiple definitions of the word so here is my personal take on it: a snob is a person who takes himself to be above everyone else, considering all not him, too ordinary! Alright the truth is we all got a piece of that in us, I know I do and I hate it so vehemently with a passion so intense! I hate myself even more because Every now and when I allow myself to drift back into that person. I may not do it so boldly but there are those things that when I close my eyes just before drifting off to a lucid dream, I think about and am pretty certain were works of that other side! Listen guys it does not pay o treat others like nothings, it does not! As a matter of fact it only soils your soul! In the past few months I have been to quite a few offices looking for this and that and at times you meet people who make you feel as close to shit as possible...