The reality of perception.!

Sometimes it comes off as flattering, and we get to have a laugh about it maybe even go ahead and have a bath in it(irony) but sometimes it just lowdown annoying and pretty disgusting! You seem to be this, you look to be that, then you are that and not this....(gasps)! It gets really bad when you are treated differently basing on assumptions!

Will you just ask me already?, Get to know me at the very least? When you do you will find that I like many you have perceived are not anything you think! I am not my skin, not the hair on my head, not the look of my eyes or the clothes I wear! You will find that I am me, a special me a clear image free of myths concocted in your head!

Many times we are judged harshly by others who seem to think we are what they'd like us to be and this affects the relations we have with them! I mean just because we look the part or rather the stereotype does not mean we slot right into it!
It is only fair that we do not make wild presuppositions about anyone, after-all "appearances can be deceiving"

To be continued!


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