Indebted to love you...

Starting recently my life has been going through changes, my whole outlook towards life has indeed changed and I must confess I have never been more content and thankful for every day, every night, every passing moment in this world. I can finally say with great and unshakable confidence that I have now got onto the road that will see me get to my life's purpose, my raison d'etre so to speak. This does not however mean that am free of challenges, of downs, free of trials as I'd like to call them. In fact am now in even greater conflict with them than ever before, the urge to give in to my desires, my selfishness, my ego and self-centered living is greater and more powerful than ever before! Not a moment goes past when am not tempted to look away from Jesus Christ and worship my own self. It is a difficult challenge, giving up your own interests in favor of another's but it is one that by the Grace of God am looking towards and seeking to practice at every opportu...