Anxiety of uncertainty...

My year begins with a huge event, something that could potentially affect my entire year ahead in more ways than I can anticipate at this moment yet I have no idea what will be of it. I have a meeting with my bosses, 'a chat' is what they called it but for me a session with my bosses is going to be anything but a chat. I am getting more and more anxious, nervous even in the hours leading up to it. My job means a whole lot to me and the people around me so any discussion on it will take all the priority and I can think of nothing else. The thing is with just a couple of hours left to it, I am powerless and unable to dictate the path it will take. (You have never been in control, have you?) That task, I left in my prayer yesterday, last night, this morning and a few minutes ago to the LORD, only he can influence it. My worries, my fears cannot after all add or remove an inch to anything. I have settled with the comfort that God will work all things for my good and that ...