
How do you describe everything? With what words do you define entirety?
How do you paint the picture of a man, the portrait of a friend who has given and continues to give everything?
With what words do you portray a man whose outlines you cannot imagine, a man you constantly chisel your living around with some hope that one day, that for one moment, you can make up a resemblance.

The answer is you do not, when you have received so much from someone, you give. You attempt to give thanks, you make it your duty, your obligation to give thanks and humble yourself because God blessed you that much.
You thank God and beg him to keep him; you pray that God illuminates his living ever so brightly.

I have learned that it is only through God’s constantly renewed mercies that we are we, that we are what we are, that we were there, that we have been 60 years ago, 35 years ago, 30 years ago…
That it is only through God’s mercies that we will be here in the next hour for the next hour that we will be there tomorrow.
It is through God’s mercies....

We are unique, and in our singularities, we have lived through, we have experienced some low points, we have also enjoyed the greatest of exhilarations adrenaline can bring and in those moments we have said: “This is the best day of my life”.
As long as we are alive these moments will continue to define our state, it is the cycle of life.
In all these moments, what sticks out at the end when the dust has settled and the leaves are delicately cushioned between the blades of grass, what sticks out when the sun has tossed and turned and has finally given in to sleep is; the need to be grateful,the urge to say thank you,to say thank you God.

So through God, I would like to extend my gratitude to you, to you dad, to you mom, to my family and to you my friends. I thank you for today, for this very moment, for the moments we have shared, for the things you have done. I thank you for the things said and for the thoughts.

May our good and gracious Lord warm your hearts, may He bless you and keep you.


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