a man without a hint of emotion!

"We need to talk"
those were the very last words of what had been...
anyway a few months and sobs(not me) later here i am my heart still cold as stone, not a shed of a tear and sadly still presented at these social events with singularity!
well the point is i still i seem to have lost, to have been robbed by the wind of the ability to feel something, anything for anybody for anybody!
I did try, honestly i did to get myself that 'anybody' but to tel you the truth it would have purely cosmetic, a thing without the slightest whiff of truth., qute simply it would be a lie, and am not so good with lies, i seem to be rather allergc to them infact.
so here i am drowned, burried by the very weight of the cries of my heart that has been robbed of reason, robbed of a raison d'etre, it beats so deftly you can hardly trace the whispers with which it cries so heavily
i sit here surrounded by all this material, all these questions, i wonder what reall happened back there?
to be continued...


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