Of Bestfriends, dead horses, lost causes, failiures and total Heartbreaks!

To make a friend, a good friend often takes a great deal of elements coming together.
Well alot of you will disagree
with that and proclaim that you and that buddy
of yours just snapped and blended without the need for an emulsifier of some sort. You will agree though that the timing, humor, conversation, the angle of the sun, share of ambition, exploits in life, definition of character all come into telling if the two of you actually have a chance at tomorrow and the day after that.
Sadly though breaking up with a friend and letting all the history shared be lost to the wind, for many does not quite need the same level of persuasion.

Not quite so long ago, in my teens (I think), me and those of my kind(here I mean my mates) felt that having a best friend was of the utmost importance, it was such a big deal; you needed that person you would always count on to have you're back,to be right by you as you made your way up some dusty path to pick up that disgusting meal at school (or eat you would not). I have met people who couldn't even twitch a muscle in the absence of their 'best friends', a party is not one without them, a decision not made without being a share in opinion, a breath not taken without them, let alone a tongue wagged to blurt out a statement, we are talking addiction me friends!!

So that time passed, candles were blown and we grew not only in inch but in understanding. our brains put on a few pounds so to speak.
After a few very telling backstabbing incidents, we finally realized that in the real world, people are only as good as you're last meeting with them, disappointments are for real and that they define every day that wakes under the unrelenting sun. We learnt that trust without the thickness of blood is a hard bargain! And to borrow the distasteful Anglo-Saxon (am guessing here) saying, ' life is not a bed of roses'

So to expect perfection from humans would be grossly far fetched, even Tiger woods is a testimony to that! Their is a crack and peel even in the freshest and most recent of paints!


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