Of christmass in a new age!

Truth is that the excitement and expectations that came to symbolise this time of the year several years back has dwindled. I have sent far fewer text messages to friends, I have woken up much later than I would, and am not on my way to church.
That for me is really unfortunate, knowing esspecialy that I was raised a far much better christian man.
All said though what seems not to have changed for me through the years is what this time of the year means to me and those around me.
Christmass is a time when we get to be around family, friends and relatives. Around the the people we love and hold dear to our hearts. Christmass remains a time when we get to express acts of kindness to people in our communities, even to those we may not know.
Christmass is a happy time, a time of sharing even the little we have.
So I do wish you all a jolly merry christmass this year and may your hearts be touched with the magic of it! Cheers!
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