A small matter of the Migingo soft diplomacy!

If you are Kenyan or of Kenyan sympathy, you probably find this stale and maybe compost, but for the lay Ugandan, the matter is still of vehement freshness, ad interest, tho not as much to beat of that tribe that uproots rails at any trace of dissatisfaction, seemingly as an ardent pass time of sorts! (yes I think you know who!)

Before you move quick to lay claim of your knowledge in the matter, let me just point out a few pieces of my argument okay? ( thank you)
I knew of the matter which am yet to indulge you in already (as in long before today), but for the perfect excuse of procrastination that failed.

Any way, so I got to learn in absolute dismay and a touch of disgust, over some Kenyan T.v broadcast(News actually) that our serekali (gov't) bent over and let the Kenyan coalition have it's day with the bone, we literally bent over, shut our eyes, took out the tape and gagged our mouths for their toast and amusement.
I watched as the Kenyan foreign affaires kitchwa(head)puffed himself up and belched his own trumpet for his role in the scam, their supposed victory. As he bragged about his lack of interest in bragging of his hand in the victory at Migingo, the controversial rock on lake Victoria(Nalubale). How do you even do that? blow and not blow your own mouth eh?

On our side of the red line, the ordinary lay Ugandan whom I had referred to is munching on a few fibers of animal muscle, whatever really!, thinking the Ugandan delegation that was mandated to fight for every bit of our cause was actually in recess consulting, as they actual said they were!( the shit in this world!)

The errant big mouth will now say, "come on ,it's just a rock!"
yes it may be just a rock but it is not just a rock, it is more than that considering that wars were waged for far lesser grounds. It's much more than just that, it is our pride, our EGO, our independence, our stand, our foot print, it is everything, it is our EGO!!
First it will be a few inches of land in the lake, and before we know it they are asking for even more and not even asking.

That is exactly why we should have fought a little harder, it why we should have gone into labour and not given up so easily to the surgeons knife, so to speak!


  1. i think you have it all mixed up... it's the average Kenyan or Kenyan sympathiser who is still going gaga over Migingo... Kenyans have an 'exaggerated' sense of patriotism (when they are not busy killing each other in the guise of tribal tensions)...

    the only reason the Kenyan foreign affairs official was bragging about Migingo, is because they really don't have anything else to bicker about... it's a classic bait and switch strategy. (distract the average flat-footed indigent from the real issues like the looming economic situation).

    we on the other hand as Ugandans could care less for that little rock... they can take it, we have plenty more where that came from and really have grown weary of all this war and clashing. (we've got bigger issues on our plate... polls in 2011 and oil in our backyard.... dido).

    to show superior military might is to know when not to fight...

  2. I think I like that Philip, but why the lack of coverage over the give away eh?

  3. simply because it's a non issue for most Ugandans... so wat if they got the little rock? good on them. moving on....

    ps, it wasn't a give away, there was a GPS survey done to establish whether it fell within our territorial borders... which it didn't.

    the last Ugandan joke i heard about the issue was...'they may own the island, but the water around it is ours...'

    laugh a little... it's not like they stole anything. (it wasn't ours to begin with).

    we are more battle hardened, and of late are showing restraint. that is supposed to be a good thing is it not?

    have a look at this article, am hoping it will educate you further on the issue.



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