In Uganda we bargain!

The memory of that afternoon is stuck so tightly to my mind, in fact, I move around with it each time I go out to the market. My dad sat me down in the living room and with a calm but blunt voice he said to me, "Son ( well I may be paraphrasing a little), the world is tough, most people are not genuine, they are only looking out for themselves, you are not to trust any one!"
So I have carried that caution with me every time I scrub in to buy an item, as long as it is not a supermarket or some high end street store the price is not what it should be, in fact it is 50 times the due price, and that does not sell! not for an African like me at least!
Unfortunately for the common wanainchi in Ug, the retailers have fast learned of the Ugandan unrelenting appetite and eye for the ' beyi raisi'(cheap) items, so they came up with their own ingenious master plan that would deal with that appetite without disturbing their gains on the market, yani(as in) they would sell cheap yet still make a kitu kidogo (profit) on the side, perfect right? Yeah I know
So how were they going to do this, short circuit thee Ugandan buyer eh,(remember he is Ugandan- the closest they come to Nigerians)
Easy, GO TO CHINA, BUY CHINESE the crappiest crap on the market, crap that makes bacon look inspiring!EFF right! These bloody hoards have decided to flood Ug with illegit pirated Chinese Hardware and what not, Haki isn't that just a pile of crap! Our love has taken us to the dogs, we cannot get anything original in Ug, we cannot, no matter how much money uko nayo!! (you have).Its effing bollocks man effing bollocks!

Something has gotta give, we need to change our attitudes towards spending, we cannot substitute quality for cost! Here is what I advise; much as we are all Ugandan, and love to be on the edge of invention, the edge of modernity, always keen to live sur the level three steps above our designated ones, (yep designated, life is as it is & we will eat shit if we are supposed to, just ask the Indians!)
You cannot pick
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