The bum that gave me a flu !!!

First off, if there is anyone there who in the least bit feels offended, allow me to
indulge you for a bit. In my circles the word 'bum' is first establishing itself as a synonym for Human thingi or anything or anyone with a very very thick head! No offense, because it could be worse, right?
So back to the bum that brought us here!Yes you bum!Rain had been and still is forecast for the next month or so and even our incompetent metrological department in Entebbe which never gets anything right by the way got it right this time ( or maybe they should thank climate change for their fortunes!) Naturally that means celebrations all round not only for the farmer in kisoro, disgust for the priest in Bududa (God rest his soul) it meant toast in Kampala for we could now sigh heavily in relief of the dust that causes us to spend on crappy Chinese handkerchiefs as we blow out the nuisance.
No the bum did not get it, he could not let me have this moment, not even the knowledge that my exams were already here was enough to lure his heart with remorse.
For God's sake man have you no empathy, no spirit, no being, no soul?
Seriously while I spent my Sunday listening and nodding my head to the priests call for chastity, purity of marriage, for a bit of morality, for patience, you, you the Bum were God knows in which shit hole whipping your dirty tongue out and wrapping it around another of obviously misguided yahoos!
UNKNOWN TO THE BUM THAT YOU ARE, you were stirring up an immunological reaction that would lead to you contracting an evil flu and then spreading it to me (eventually)..... Gasps!!!

seriously after pulling such a stunt there is no way I am forgiving you, thank God I am a christian because aside from having fantasies of your head being pound to a pulp, I leave your forgiveness unto the Almighty God, creator of Heaven and earth!
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