An egomaniac Vs A sludge for a wife....Damn!!!

Now psychology defines ego-centrism as the incomplete differentiation of the self and the world, the tendency to perceive, understand and interpret the world in terms of the self and nothing, completely nothing more.( this is where the odd NIGERIAN says with an emphatic gusto, "PERIOD"!!!)
The stance or whatever you wish to call it is supposed to be mostly present in children who fail to separate their beliefs, thoughts and hallucinations from those of others.The only other term that come close to this malady is Narcissism, or just plain and simple selfishness, indifference to the plight others! Now imagine that sort of mentality, that sort of distortion in a wife, a person you are supposed to be with in sickness, and in health, blah blah....TILL DEATH DO YOU APART!!
WHAT??? GO give that hogwash crap to a gold fish or something, anything really, whose memory breaks the 7 second barrier! shish!

Any way before we get carried away let us consider the other thing, sorry party or contestant. Ahaa...Now humanely speaking am being too harsh on this one, the truth is that the term sludge refers to the residual, semi-solid material left from industrial wastewater, or sewage treatment processes. It can also refer to the settled suspension obtained from conventional drinking water treatment[1], and numerous other industrial processes, but we are not here to discuss industries and any of that stuff you have just read right? We are here to decide on a matter of domestic security! So am what I really want to mean(and no offense, please!) is that woman who sits on her hands, who cannot care much but to let herself be blown in whatever direction you so choose. Someone who brings nothing to the table, she cannot even win, God forbid even sustain the most basic of arguments. Instead she will come up with classic rural and rather distasteful Ugandan response of, "ahaa, me I don't wanti mmh"
Seriously? I mean seriously? Is that the best your over twenty years under the crude African sun can manage?

Truth be told I am not choosing( pardon me Father)a wife any time soon but am not going to come home to a being who will walk over me, demand attention to her every whim, expect me to be her rug her doormat her modern day slave to put it crudely.
I am not coming back home to a being that cannot come up with an idea of her own, a person who cannot put two and two together to come up with(metaphorically speaking that is, I do not need your smart ass answer!)
I do not give two monkeys how long I have to wait(when I start waiting)to get a calm headed, warm, caring, self driven, amongst a whole lot of other preferences in a woman, I will wait and as that African writer said, I will marry when I want and if I may add 'who I want'.


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