Understanding Qaddafi!

The thing about guys like Qaddafi who refer to themselves as "revolutionaries", as people who saved their countries with the change they ushered in when they took power is that they have their roots entrenched so deep in every facet of the state that you could be forgiven for thinking them the state. It is the reason why you shall have no thought at the mention of Zimbabwe, North Korea or Cuba other than that of the leaders!

Now for such guys civil movements(springs) as was the case with Tunisia and more recently Egypt are almost impossible!If tried then one should brace himself for loads and loads of pain, grief and suffering. Overthrowing their kind is by no means an easy feat.
These guys in most cases have ruled for quite a number of years and in their heavy handedness have piled up quite a number of foes. It is for that reason that staying in power becomes a matter of absolute importance, a matter of life and death! After you have possessed and enjoyed so much power for decades, when your every whim was granted by the stroke of your tongue, living becomes power and power becomes your life!

So how do you convince such a fella to leave? Fighting will only scour his ego and no man no matter how ignorant and feeble minded wants his ego hurt!This is the case with Qaddafi, a man once glorified by those around him and now being literally spat upon. A man like that will naturally fight back the opposition even to the death. Altering what has been someones way of life for 30, 40 years cannot be easy, thus the denial and resistance. In this resistance innocent lives will be lost, families destroyed and dreams shattered.

I propose recommend dialogue! Dialogue with mutual respect because sometimes a man has to be big enough to know how small he is! You have to consider what is at stake, the country, the people, the women and the children all but innocent souls that only seek to live and maybe someday touch their dreams.
One has to convince them that power to the people is for the greater good of the nation and that their labour and effort put in will not be taken for granted but rather appreciated. Safety must be ensured after all it is a fundamental human need that defines motivation as suggested by Maslow's pyramid.


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