Give us back our electricity will ya!

All these excuses of accountability, checks and balances is beginning to give me a stomach ache! Why suddenly is a parliament that has constantly come short when we really needed them to come through start to pretend like it really cares about public spending? Why does bureaucracy come in the way when the most vital of needs must to be dealt with?

I say enough of the shenanigans and give us back our power already,. We have suffered the cold, darkness and inconvenience let alone the stall in business too long already!For starters none of this is any of the common man's fault! Why does is have to be the poor mwanainchi who gets the short end of the stick whenever some civil servant somewhere falls short of his obligations? Why not just pluck out the dry leaf and let the others be? Enough of this absurd way of living I say, we need to move beyond this constant selfishness and self gratification. We need to start thinking more of country get some good old patriotism going and build our kids a better country to live in instead of one where they are taught of self first!

Enough of the banalities, sign the papers and let us live!


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