There is love and then....

In between the moments of near bliss, affection and the spells of almost poetic living, love is not always love and roses are sometimes just black pungent little things. In a relationship, stars are not always perfectly aligned, there are no “soul mates” and fights are perfectly normal. There is no in between, no hot and cold, instead you are eternally stuck in either extremes of joy happiness or depression sorrow . There is always a fluctuation of emotion and the smallest of things often offset the balance. Points are easily lost just as they are earned and nobody forgets mistakes “wrongs” done, instead they are added to your tab.
When you are single though, and are out looking in; chances are that all you see are red roses, strawberries, scented candles, nights under a full moon and endless bliss. You will in fact want and desire with every string of muscle of your “heart” to get in and have a piece of the pie. Alas, when you get in; the truth rubs your face like the very worst of cheap Chinese perfumes; it is after all not a bed of roses, dreams are not real and wishes are not horses. It is hard work and quite very laborious keeping the sun up in a relationship! First off, 2/4 of the time you spend engaged to someone will be devoted to proving, to justifying how deeply your want love for them stretches. When that is done and the two of you are seemingly comfortable with each other, a quarter of the time will actually be what you hoped and probably dreamed of; endless sunshine and unadulterated affection. The rest of the time will be spent on fighting, crying and apologizing, more fighting, crying and endless apologizing. It will be spent on haggling and hissy fits over very miniscule banalities really. Fights over the toilet seat, about whom you smiled with, how and whom you hugged, what you forgot, what you said or did not say.
If you get weary and cannot take anymore of the fights , odds are that you will call an end to your “relationship” and move on to the momentary regret and anguish over the time WASTED before starting it all again. It is and that point that you will give the excuses we have now become accustomed to, “ we didn’t have anything in common”, “we were not on the same page”, “he was over protective”, “ she said I was cheating on her” blah blah blah…
If however you share something genuine and not are just out to share the idea of a relationship, it has been said that love does always comes through and “happily ever after” is not only a figment of imagination to be found in children’s fairy tales and movie scripts! Whatever it is you are after I wish you the best…


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