God save my country!
First off I have been accused of so many things in regards to me country, but let us not get our knickers twisted, I love me country, its the devil inside some of it's inhabitants that push me to the left! In the last couple of months so much rot has come to the surface it is difficult to know where it is we are heading (thank God we had a prayer day )!Take for example the recent child murders, sacrifices,and kidnappings, Jesus! How do you even think of of killing your own son, your own flesh and blood simply to get, to secre a husband, how? The one horror act that really moves me beyond understanding is the recent kidap, murder and eventual mutilaton of the late Kham Kakama! I mean these guys moved in freezing blood to kidap, kill and then even have the guts to demand ransom for a child whom they had already dumped behinde toilets in a slum ?? How rotten is that? So when I get on my knees and ask the Lord almighty to save this decaying nation please walk with me because, you neve...