Dear Mr. Bashir !

Dear sir,
you will pardon my rusty skills, for it's been quite a while since I wrote one of these "friendly" letters. You see ever since facebook and yahoo, and internet...well am sure you will understand for I am anything but an ordinary 20 sth year old with...( ah this is useless, this letter is anything but casual)

Anyway I write to you today because the BBC recently said that you were greatly disgruntled by my country's failiure to invite you for the upcoming African Union assembly in Kampala. So I write in respose to your threats to deny us the rights to host the gig!
Listen Sir, I think I know how you feel, not being able to travel and all because of this ICC thing hovering over your head, it must even be more painfull owing to the fact that you have just won "free and fair" by the way, your country's first democratic elections eh!
Ah tsk tsk tsk these guys are just being unfair eh! They cannot even allow you to enjoy a bit of the spotlight with your commrades eh, your fellow revolutionaries who want nothing, nothing but the best for this continent of ours! Ah thats pure witch hunting right, surely you deserve a little more respect!

But then again sir by turning your frustrations against us, with such flimsy threats is something just a little short of delusional! You my friend are taking this African brotherhood thing a little off the cuff! I mean come on man, we cannot just take your word for it! After all you have given us very little reason to trust you in the past with the way you have been going to bed with the LRA eh!

So here is my advice my man, regardless of how high and 'Mugabe' you may be feeling, take this thing with a pinch of salt mmh, let us go to court and shame 'them' (whoever they are), these people who for some reason just want to ruin your reputation with their accusations.

In the mean time sit put, don't try to get ahead of yourself, because we shall not take much of your crap old man!

yours sincierly
P.S: we are doing this for your sake!


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