'Tunisia' has to come now for Egypt !

I will go straight ahead with my thoughts on the presumption that you have been following the recent events in Egypt, Tunisia and almost the entire middle east region.
So over the last couple of weeks as if in consequence to the civilian overhaul of government in Tunisia, the media has and remains awash with stories, (live streaming to be exact) of the the civillian unrest in Egypt demanding a resignation of President Mubarack and his 30 year old regime! In it's initial phases we watched in utter awe as the masses rallied and we followed them everywhere, on twitter and whatever because the world was amazed at these scenes and no one wanted to miss the fall of the mighty Hosni Mubarack, deep inside (forget the diplomacy) we all wanted to see the guy go even for the most flimsy reasons!
But two weeks down the road, the old man is still in place, apart from a slight shudder in order of command (appointment of a deputy president & a new cabinet) nothing really has taken shape in terms of real substantial change!
What the people want to see is a washout of the man and his entourage but that has not yet come, not yet at least!
So we have seen a decline in protester numbers and after that rattling speech by the main celebrant in all of this, his supporters have come out in numbers fighting the anti-government movement causing a number of deaths and injuries along the way!
You could say the uprising is running out o ideas and the regime's tactics of playing dumb are wearing them out!
Quite honestly all that coupled with the squeeze on the international media is beginning to wear the patience of many and I for one am beginning to ignore the situation a little more preferring news channels that show less of Egypt more and more and that is unfortunate because the people on the streets have real and just reasons to protest!
If something does not happen soon to jerk the rallies again in form of a leader or a revamped strategy, I fear the number's will dwindle further and the rallies will come to a halt! Egyptians will then be left with the same old dirty clothes they have been using for 30 odd years!
I pray their voices are heard, I hope change comes soon to the land! God bless!
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