Valentines day is grossly overated, over publicised and subscribed!

It is supposed to be a holy day in the catholic church, an annual commemoration held on February 14 celebrating love and affection between intimate companions.The day is named after one or more early Christian martyrs named Valentine and was established by Pope Gelasius I in 500 AD (wikipedia) However sometime in the middle ages, a chap started a craze associating it with romance and what not..., so that a couple of hundred years on we have this: gravely anxious couples, desperate singles, annoying businessmen all somehow conniving to make what would be a simple ordinary day, hell and hugely stressful for those of us who really don't care a thing of it!

I don't mean to come off as all suave and romantic but if someone really cared about you then surely he/she would not need a 'special' day to express or rather portray his undying over the moon feelings for you! The day is littered with couples all strewn over the place in red and black! (Seriously is the best color combination you guys can come up with?) You cannot take a walk, cannot go enjoy a meal in your favourite restaurant arrrrrgh!!!

listen here is what, I think you guys have totally lost the plot, expression without impression means nothing, absolutely nothing! I know of guys who break up the very next day just so they don't come off as insensitive!
I wish people are a little more discreet this time, and quit asking everybody you meet what their plans are for the day because some simply do not give a dogs foot what happens! I will buy a couple of movies the day before, stock up some food and lock myself up then wake up the next morning with bigger zeal!


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