
Showing posts from May, 2010

In Uganda we bargain!

The memory of that afternoon is stuck so tightly to my mind, in fact, I move around with it each time I go out to the market. My dad sat me down in the living room and with a calm but blunt voice he said to me, "Son ( well I may be paraphrasing a little), the world is tough, most people are not genuine, they are only looking out for themselves, you are not to trust any one!" So I have carried that caution with me every time I scrub in to buy an item, as long as it is not a supermarket or some high end street store the price is not what it should be, in fact it is 50 times the due price, and that does not sell! not for an African like me at least! Unfortunately for the common wanainchi in Ug, the retailers have fast learned of the Ugandan unrelenting appetite and eye for the ' beyi raisi'(cheap) items, so they came up with their own ingenious master plan that would deal with that appetite without disturbing their gains on the market, yani(as in) they would sell cheap ...

A small matter of the Migingo soft diplomacy!

If you are Kenyan or of Kenyan sympathy, you probably find this stale and maybe compost, but for the lay Ugandan, the matter is still of vehement freshness, ad interest, tho not as much to beat of that tribe that uproots rails at any trace of dissatisfaction, seemingly as an ardent pass time of sorts! (yes I think you know who!) Before you move quick to lay claim of your knowledge in the matter, let me just point out a few pieces of my argument okay? ( thank you) I knew of the matter which am yet to indulge you in already (as in long before today), but for the perfect excuse of procrastination that failed. Any way, so I got to learn in absolute dismay and a touch of disgust, over some Kenyan T.v broadcast(News actually) that our serekali (gov't) bent over and let the Kenyan coalition have it's day with the bone, we literally bent over, shut our eyes, took out the tape and gagged our mouths for their toast and amusement. I watched as the Kenyan foreign affaires kitchwa(head)puff...

An egomaniac Vs A sludge for a wife....Damn!!!

Now psychology defines ego-centrism as the incomplete differentiation of the self and the world, the tendency to perceive, understand and interpret the world in terms of the self and nothing, completely nothing more.( this is where the odd NIGERIAN says with an emphatic gusto, "PERIOD"!!!) The stance or whatever you wish to call it is supposed to be mostly present in children who fail to separate their beliefs, thoughts and hallucinations from those of others.The only other term that come close to this malady is Narcissism, or just plain and simple selfishness, indifference to the plight others! Now imagine that sort of mentality, that sort of distortion in a wife, a person you are supposed to be with in sickness, and in health, blah blah....TILL DEATH DO YOU APART!! WHAT??? GO give that hogwash crap to a gold fish or something, anything really, whose memory breaks the 7 second barrier! shish! Any way before we get carried away let us consider the other thing, sorry part...

The bum that gave me a flu !!!

First off, if there is anyone there who in the least bit feels offended, allow me to indulge you for a bit. In my circles the word 'bum' is first establishing itself as a synonym for Human thingi or anything or anyone with a very very thick head! No offense, because it could be worse, right? So back to the bum that brought us here!Yes you bum!Rain had been and still is forecast for the next month or so and even our incompetent metrological department in Entebbe which never gets anything right by the way got it right this time ( or maybe they should thank climate change for their fortunes!) Naturally that means celebrations all round not only for the farmer in kisoro, disgust for the priest in Bududa (God rest his soul) it meant toast in Kampala for we could now sigh heavily in relief of the dust that causes us to spend on crappy Chinese handkerchiefs as we blow out the nuisance. No the bum did not get it, he could not let me have this moment, not even the knowledge that my exa...

In the reality of tonight!

The night is soaked in darkness yet sprawling in with dreams, literally littered with dreams. I want to live my dream, to feel, to breath, to kiss, to touch my dream. you are my dream , you mon chou are my dream. The thing that makes me, the thing that plunges me towards tomorrow, through dusk and into dawn. You are my dream.