The people I call full of....!

1. The Unrelenting Mechanic!: this guy never gives up on anything and I do mean anything, a conversation with him is not one without an argument! there us a positive spin to him tho, he fixes even the instrument way past it's sell by date!

2. The 90's lover boy:
Unfortunately for this lad, he somehow believes he has got the ability to have any woman presently. As it turns out he presses beyond position with what I can only describe as his puffed up 90's game! I cannot go into detail because of the obvious scent of gayness it may begin to assume, besides we do not need him to puff up any more than the peacock he already is!

3. The annoying Businessman:
This multi-pound of a fellow, you do not want to have on the other side of your fence!, hulling stones at you. You had rather have him in your corner, but I have got to give it to him, for the shroud businessman hat he is, always with a rat under his hat.

4.Legs: Let his quiet, languid appearance deceive you. He has received the worst brushes from the bunch, always the short ends of the sticks, but when he is o a role he is a plough you cannot stop. With the most wicked of laughs, trust me one would wish him gone!

5. The dreamer:
Well that sounds harsh but dreams are the things life is fabricated aye? two minutes with this guy and you will know what it is am referring to.

6. The Hot demon: it is a little complicated describing this one but that smile hides alot!to be continued....

7. The ugandan: High pitched, annoying, unrelenting, unforgiving, spectacular, dramatic, well maybe this is too much


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