Just who do the Egyptians think they are eh?

Today I am going full bloodied on this because it is not only inhuman but absolute carnage by the Egyptians but also the people in bed with them over the Nile water sharing agreement!, but first the facts!
1. The Nile Water Agreement of 1929, granting Egypt the lion's share of the Nile waters, was drawn up at a time when Egypt was a British satellite, regarded as strategically crucial by London because of the Suez canal, which controlled access to India.

The agreement is now in effect enforced by international donors, who are reluctant to advance funds for major river projects that will upset Egypt, a key Arab ally of the US in the Middle East. Sub-Saharan countries cannot match Egypt's diplomatic clout, but they face a dilemma as a major untapped resource rolls through their territories.

"We have reached a stage where all the Nile basin countries are confronted by domestic development challenges," said Halifa Drammeh, a deputy director of the United Nations environment programme. "How many people have access to safe water? How many have access to sanitation?

"There is a tremendous pressure on these governments to sustain the needs of their populations, and to raise their standard of living.

"After all, there is nothing we can do in life without water. Wherever there is sharing, there is potential for conflict."

2. The Egyptian water minister, Mahmoud Abu-Zeid, recently described Kenya's intention to withdraw from the agreement as an "act of war"

3.The Nile, which is over 4,000 miles long, is fed by the White Nile, flowing from Lake Victoria, and the Blue Nile, flowing from Ethiopia.

An estimated 160 million people in 10 countries depend on the river and its tributaries for their livelihoods.

4.A fresh dispute has erupted over an agreement on the Nile waters after Egypt and Sudan declined to sign it.

The two countries want a review of Article 4 (b) of the Nile Water Basin Cooperative Framework, which reads: "Nile Basin states therefore agree, in a spirit of cooperation, not to significantly affect the water security of any other Nile Basin State."

Then today Egypt and sudan who take practicaly everything from the river have again stalled the process, the talks in Cairo have come to nothing, nothing again.
they call it a war while our women and children are dying everyday for lack of a commodity that lies right in front of our eyes and we cannot draw from it any more than some stupid 1929 colonial agreement tells us to? come on?
I mean we have tried to settle this with cool heads but I guess the donkey needs a fist right on the chin for it to hear us more clearly. they want a war ? we shall give it to them after all they do not consider our women and children equal to theirs. It is time to sound the war drums and forcefully take what is ours!


  1. we are slowly moving to a time when fresh water is going to become a commodity more valuable than gold... kinda reminds me of 'James Bond- Quantum of Solace'.

  2. a thought much appreciated, me brother,even gold is nothing when innocent lives are on the line!

  3. Seriously! Are you for real? are you san?

  4. Seriously! Are you for real? are you sane?


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