
Showing posts from 2011

There is love and then....

In between the moments of near bliss, affection and the spells of almost poetic living, love is not always love and roses are sometimes just black pungent little things. In a relationship, stars are not always perfectly aligned, there are no “soul mates” and fights are perfectly normal. There is no in between, no hot and cold, instead you are eternally stuck in either extremes of joy happiness or depression sorrow . There is always a fluctuation of emotion and the smallest of things often offset the balance. Points are easily lost just as they are earned and nobody forgets mistakes “wrongs” done, instead they are added to your tab. When you are single though, and are out looking in; chances are that all you see are red roses, strawberries, scented candles, nights under a full moon and endless bliss. You will in fact want and desire with every string of muscle of your “heart” to get in and have a piece of the pie. Alas, when you get in; the truth rubs your face like the very w...


It has been a couple of years now that I have been in this place and I can now quite confidently say that I know it well. I know it it just as well as the place I spent my infant years. I know it well because I have been coming here at the hatching of every dawn ever since I heard of it those many years back. It has been five years now but nothing has changed. Apart from the extra layers of dust on the floor and the now more intricate cobweb on the cracking walls, everything seems to have kept its place just like it was those many years ago. It is a lot more silent now though especially with the parting of its inhabitants who seemed to have got wary of the unbearable heat that that defines this place. So am left here alone, alone with the cracks on the walls, alone with the silence, alone with the heat. and even with the solitude that seems to be etching closer and closer to a life of its own, I still return here each and every day. I come back hoping, that it has chan...

Thoughts on her.....

"you have enslaved me, enslaved me to thoughts of you, debilitating thoughts. I cannot live with my mind this awake to you, it is infected, utterly intoxicated" " I cannot put a leash on these feelings, like a wild animal, I could only get myself hurt trying to. I have got to let it live, let it be" "the stains of my tears and the cracks on my heart will always remind me of her, keep the memories of her alive. There is no such thing as invincibility with love get hurt whether in it or out of it...but they tell me that is life, it is complicated they say"

Tears of a dead Blogger.....

Oh men, it has been ages since I last posted anything....(gasps), c'est terrible! I guess it is my affair with twitter and a couple of other affairs that are to blame for my no show. Twitter sucks up my every thought almost immediately they spring up so I have practically no chance to let them cook into some sort of blog post. If I were a professional blogger then am pretty certain that I would be on the streets now begging for my next meal. I hope, I hope that soon I shall find relief and ending to this unending drought. Maybe I shall have to put aside my twitter affair for a while so to find rebirth!

Give us back our electricity will ya!

All these excuses of accountability, checks and balances is beginning to give me a stomach ache! Why suddenly is a parliament that has constantly come short when we really needed them to come through start to pretend like it really cares about public spending? Why does bureaucracy come in the way when the most vital of needs must to be dealt with? I say enough of the shenanigans and give us back our power already,. We have suffered the cold, darkness and inconvenience let alone the stall in business too long already!For starters none of this is any of the common man's fault! Why does is have to be the poor mwanainchi who gets the short end of the stick whenever some civil servant somewhere falls short of his obligations? Why not just pluck out the dry leaf and let the others be? Enough of this absurd way of living I say, we need to move beyond this constant selfishness and self gratification. We need to start thinking more of country get some good old patriotism going and build...

Check "inbox" my foot!

There are quite a number of things that incense me on facebook! This is but one of them. Why people see the need to write on an individual's 'wall' so as to signal the presence mail is completely beyond me! I understand the need urge of our generation to document our every thought and action but this I find no more than a very local cheap attempt at seeking some sort of exclusivity and attention in an otherwise very public forum!You could be thinking that simply sending it is not enough, you have got to shout about it too in order to cause attention and annoy the sleepy neighbors while you are at it. I mean if a message is sent, it is obvious that the recipient will know of it by the red flag or notification via email. That leaves your extra attempt to publicize it only and only pitiful. If you really wanted to be private by sending a message, don't you think that you beat the cause by making it known to everyone else? Do you see what am talking about? But I gues...

Understanding Qaddafi!

The thing about guys like Qaddafi who refer to themselves as "revolutionaries", as people who saved their countries with the change they ushered in when they took power is that they have their roots entrenched so deep in every facet of the state that you could be forgiven for thinking them the state. It is the reason why you shall have no thought at the mention of Zimbabwe, North Korea or Cuba other than that of the leaders! Now for such guys civil movements(springs) as was the case with Tunisia and more recently Egypt are almost impossible!If tried then one should brace himself for loads and loads of pain, grief and suffering. Overthrowing their kind is by no means an easy feat. These guys in most cases have ruled for quite a number of years and in their heavy handedness have piled up quite a number of foes. It is for that reason that staying in power becomes a matter of absolute importance, a matter of life and death! After you have possessed and enjoyed so much power f...

The reality of perception.!

Sometimes it comes off as flattering, and we get to have a laugh about it maybe even go ahead and have a bath in it(irony) but sometimes it just lowdown annoying and pretty disgusting! You seem to be this, you look to be that, then you are that and not this....(gasps)! It gets really bad when you are treated differently basing on assumptions! Will you just ask me already?, Get to know me at the very least? When you do you will find that I like many you have perceived are not anything you think! I am not my skin, not the hair on my head, not the look of my eyes or the clothes I wear! You will find that I am me, a special me a clear image free of myths concocted in your head! Many times we are judged harshly by others who seem to think we are what they'd like us to be and this affects the relations we have with them! I mean just because we look the part or rather the stereotype does not mean we slot right into it! It is only fair that we do not make wild presuppositions about a...


listen up, am going to try to make this real fast and simple: I did not know yow, I hardly know yow now, and clearly unless the world spins so fast around am not going to know you in quite a while so quit sticking around and get on the road if you have to because am not going to loose even a whiff of sleep over a bad, bad waste of my time like you!

Maybe am not that into you dear!

Over the last couple of days I have been called so many things by a a few of the women i know;'slow', 'unfocused' and one even went ahead to accuse me of not Knowing what is I want in life! (gasps....) Apparently I have not been trying hard enough to convince them that they belong with me, that I have not sang praises sweet enough and neither have I drowned them with the kind of flattery they dream of every time they think of the metaphorical prince charming....(gasps again) Is it 'supposed' to be like that, are we not mature enough in perception of even the very basic of things as emotion is? Why would you not know that I was treating you in a rather special sort of way Missy? Are you that plain or am I the one short of ability huh! So you got me thinking why I can't get through to you, why am I not feeling the itch, the rush the uumph to do "everything" in my reach to get you! You see am having a bit of a problem telling the difference between my...

Uganda 2011: Mao & Otunnu pittyful flops!

Olara Otunnu Mao billed as Uganda's "Obama", the man who would woe Uganda's largely youthful electorate and Otunnu the blast from the past, the man with weights of diplomatic experience on his side who was seen as the shot in the arm that the Uganda' Peoples Congress so badly needed to keep afloat! These two candidates for Uganda's presidency were supposed to give the traditional favourites, Dr Besigye and incumbent Mr Museveni a run for their money and make the 2011 polls the most exciting yet! However after 106 days of nationwide campaigns these two fellas have nothing to show for their troubles except a disgraceful 0% a piece in the recent opinion polls!All that is now left is official documentation of their total waste of tax payers monies and time in just under four days when the polls are held! The question is what happened? How did they manage to turn such promise into nothing and absurdity? The answer lies in their respective strategies! Otunnu for one...

'Tunisia' has to come now for Egypt !

I will go straight ahead with my thoughts on the presumption that you have been following the recent events in Egypt, Tunisia and almost the entire middle east region. So over the last couple of weeks as if in consequence to the civilian overhaul of government in Tunisia, the media has and remains awash with stories, (live streaming to be exact) of the the civillian unrest in Egypt demanding a resignation of President Mubarack and his 30 year old regime! In it's initial phases we watched in utter awe as the masses rallied and we followed them everywhere, on twitter and whatever because the world was amazed at these scenes and no one wanted to miss the fall of the mighty Hosni Mubarack, deep inside (forget the diplomacy) we all wanted to see the guy go even for the most flimsy reasons! But two weeks down the road, the old man is still in place, apart from a slight shudder in order of command (appointment of a deputy president & a new cabinet) nothing really has taken shape in te...

Valentines day is grossly overated, over publicised and subscribed!

It is supposed to be a holy day in the catholic church, an annual commemoration held on February 14 celebrating love and affection between intimate companions.The day is named after one or more early Christian martyrs named Valentine and was established by Pope Gelasius I in 500 AD (wikipedia) However sometime in the middle ages, a chap started a craze associating it with romance and what not..., so that a couple of hundred years on we have this: gravely anxious couples, desperate singles, annoying businessmen all somehow conniving to make what would be a simple ordinary day, hell and hugely stressful for those of us who really don't care a thing of it! I don't mean to come off as all suave and romantic but if someone really cared about you then surely he/she would not need a 'special' day to express or rather portray his undying over the moon feelings for you! The day is littered with couples all strewn over the place in red and black! (Seriously is the best color comb...

King Kenny who?

Yesterday the dear Roy Hodgson left liverpool fc under terms referred to "mutual"! but whom are we kidding, we all know that this was probably Roy's biggest gig so far (probably his last) and there was no way he was just going to give it up! Clearly as the guy said the night before, each time the team crossed that touch line, all he could do was hope that his dreams came true! Well they didn't, a string of lethargic performances let him down and not even the flamboyant English media that you could quite plausibly argue bought him lots of time when he should have gone a while ago could save him! So the cookie crumbled, salvation didn't come and the man had to leave! (by mutual consent) Step up the man, the king, the saviour, the legend, Kenny Daglish a blast from the past, picked up from a cruise in dubai to save the Blushes of the Mersysiders! "All I would say is I'm going to do the best I possibly can to try to help the club, but everybody has to pull in...

We Hope!

Hope is said to be the last good thing that anyone could loose, the last strand that a drowning man will hold onto! Well today,on the first day of the the first month of 2011, across many homes in Africa, through many families, celebrations and fetes are on cue! Blood is being spattered, feathers ruffled and plucked as chicken, goats and cattle are sacrificed at the dawn of a new day, at the birth of a new year! For just one day, we shall blind ourselves to our troubles,to our have nots, to our needs, to our difficulties, to the scorching sun and perilous dust beneath our feet! For just one day we shall steady our feet, look up to the stars and hope! We shall open up our mouths, and shout out praises and thanks to the Lord our God in whom we owe everything. For just today we shall mask our minds and bodies and hope for a better tommmorrow, for a better year, a more fruitful year, filled with promise, filled with energy, blessings and breakthrough's! We shall celebrate because today...